Press Releases, Brochures, and More
Here are some of my samples of a press release for industry publications, ghost writing a direct mail letter, copy for a brochure, and a headline for an ad.
While explaining unique benefits, I adjust content to match the purpose and catch the eye of the reader, then follow up with the call to the action. I can brainstorm and explain about what we offer in return for a customer's call, visit, or order. I highlight something of value, whether it's informative examples of products solving problems, help with technical specifications, lunch, giveaways, rebates, or training opportunities.
For these examples, customers might have provided contact information already, or we knew that sometimes industry publications shared their mailing lists in return for content and ads.
EZ Boost, PACO®, and MAGNA pumps are products of Grundfos®. I worked on these marketing materials while employed by Grundfos. Grundfos is a trademark of Grundfos Holding A/S.